If your pet has an emergency during clinic hours, please try to call ahead so that we can prepare for your arrival and offer instructions. Some cases may need to be referred to the South Metro Animal Emergency Care Clinic.
After-hour emergencies are referred to South Metro Animal Emergency Care. They are available evenings, weekends, and holidays and can be reached at 952-953-3737. The clinic is located in Apple Valley, next to Rascal’s and Walmart.
Common emergencies include but are not limited to:
- Hit By Car
- Severe Bleeding
- GDV/Bloat
- Heat Stroke
- Fractures
- Seizures
- Smoke Inhalation
- Severe Respiratory Difficulty
- Unable to Urinate
- Some Toxin Ingestions
- Severe Fight/Bite Wounds
- Laceration with minor bleeding
- Anorexia
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Lameness
- Bruising
- Inappropriate Urination

Animal Emergency and Referral Center of Minnesota –
St. Paul Location
1542 7th St W
St Paul, MN 55102
Website: aercmn.com
Phone: 651-293-1800
Oakdale Location
1163 Helmo Ave N
Oakdale, MN 55128
Website: aercmn.com
Phone: 651-501-3766
South Metro Animal Emergency Care Clinic
14690 Pennock Ave
Apple Valley, MN 55124
Website: smaec.com
Phone: 952-953-3737
AEVS/Blue Pearl Pet Hospital
7717 Flying Cloud Dr.
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Website: bluepearlvet.com
Phone: 952-942-8272